How to Increase Your Automobile Workshop Profit Margins

Just because several automobiles are lined up at your auto workshop for availing the service does not indicate that your automobile fixing and maintenance organization is making revenues. To raise your earnings margins, you need to do a great deal more than just being complacent about the boosting number of cars and trucks coming with your auto workshop on a daily basis.

Just how to Boost Your Vehicle Workshop Earnings Margins
The automobile workshop service depends a whole lot on consumer loyalty, which can be earned just with effective solution. If the solution you are offering to your clients is unqualified the necessary criterion, soon you will certainly shed them to your rivals. In addition to making correct repair services and stocking up high-margin components, you require to take on these methods to increase profits significantly.

5 Ways to Enhance Automobile Workshop Profit Margins
Set up Appropriately
Concentrate On Work Prices
Examine Autos
Reduce Marketing Campaigns
Get the Right DMS Software
Lets check minority methods which can help in boosting automobile workshop margins:

eMsys Solutions Sale
Arrange Appropriately
Developing timetable is important to ensure that your service technicians get enough time for repair service. At the same time, you need to inspect that the waiting time for fixing as well as servicing is low. Based upon the repair work and also maintenance work performed in the past, you can appoint approximated time for every task. Relying on the variety of repair services promised to the consumer, you can allot jobs to your workshop personnel with practical timelines. Additionally, you can establish day-to-day goals for your personnel and also designate them work appropriately to stop opportunities of insufficient or missed out on fixings.

Concentrate On Labour Costs
Regulating your work cost is one of the significant steps towards raising your revenue margins. One of the very best methods to reduce the work price is to designate team according to the time consumed in every repair task. Relying on the intricacy of a task, you can appoint certain number of workers for a given duration on the job at hand. Even more, attempt conducting training programs at your workshop to aid your staff members learn to deal with intricate repair jobs efficiently in lower time. Additionally, invest in various devices as well as innovations to minimize manual effort and also save money on labour costs.

Inspect Autos
Consumers often get irritated if something breaks down in their car simply a couple of days after servicing or repair. So, it's advisable to provide your personnel some extra time after every repair work to check vehicles for additional problems, if any type of. If any kind of additional repair is needed, consumers would discover it convenient to get it done there and then rather than returning to your workshop for minor issues once again. In addition, share the record of repair work solutions to your consumers to guarantee openness as well as boost client contentment.

Reduce Marketing Efforts
While you need to maintain a strong existence online, the focus ought to be on preserving your existing customers as opposed to bring in new clients. Instead of investing way too much on glitzy marketing concepts to supply organization, embrace simple yet efficient advertising methods like recommendations. Referral program for consumers need to be such that they get rewarded for sending you every new company. Even more, attempt advertising and marketing regarding your car dealership in neighborhood advertising tools to reach broader audiences without spending a lot.

Get the Right DMS Software
Purchasing the best device of the profession is equally crucial to hug tabs on your business processes and protect against technicalities, if any. Top auto workshop software serves the everyday functional demand of auto workshop. You can use on the best vehicle workshop software application like Cogxim auto workshop software application to track as well as manage your sales cycle and auto repair shop invoice software. It will likewise assist in dealing with audit activities as well as taking care of bookkeeping tasks accurately. Sales invoice generation as well as extra component stock monitoring can be dealt with without any trouble, aiding you decrease work expense and also rise profit margins.


Since the year is concerning its end, it's time to strategize over ways to enhance profits for your automobile workshop. Yet, don't forget to embrace these tricks to raise your revenue margin. Discover the best vehicle workshop software for your maintenance terminal.

Where can you go for a gearbox overhaul?

The gearbox is an important part of your car. When the gearbox starts to fail, it is time to go to the garage for a gearbox overhaul. You will never have to drive around for too long with a gearbox that needs repair. Both the automatic gearbox and the manual gearbox require adequate maintenance. It is therefore important to have your gearbox checked every now and then at a good garage with garage invoice software. A gearbox overhaul can cost a lot of money, so it is important that you have this done immediately at a good garage.


It can of course also happen that a gearbox is damaged to such an extent that the current parts cannot be repaired. In this case you will have to buy a new gearbox. However, there is one more option: you can also buy gearbox parts. These parts can then be used to restore the old gearbox. It is important that you have sufficient understanding of cars. Are you unable to repair the car yourself? Then look for a company where they have a lot of experience in repairing gearboxes.

Where can you best have the automatic gearbox repaired?

An automatic gearbox is very expensive. It is therefore very important that you only leave these repairs to highly experienced garages. It is sometimes difficult to judge how good a garage is. It is best to ask around or search the internet for this. You can of course always ask a garage if they are able to repair the gearbox and what costs are involved. It is nice when you have a transparent garage. A transparent garage will give you a good indication in advance of how expensive a gearbox overhaul will be.

Some garages also sell gearbox parts. You do not necessarily have to outsource the repair. Even then it is important that you choose a reliable garage. Of course you cannot use it that the parts are not working properly. Gearbox parts in particular can be very expensive. However, this does not mean that you will have to pay a lot of money for these parts everywhere. Fortunately, there are also a lot of garages with a very good price-quality ratio. I recommend that you take a look at which garages are all located near you!

Driving holiday tips: be prepared for holiday by car part 2

Rules, fines and obligations
Sometimes different traffic rules apply abroad than those we know in India. For example, did you know that as a glasses-wearing driver in Spain, you should always have spare glasses with you? And the amounts for fines are sometimes much higher than in India. if you press the accelerator too hard, resulting in a criminal case and disqualification from driving. And anyone driving around with winter tires in Italy in the summer period risks a fine of at least € 419 and a maximum of € 1,682. To avoid unnecessary fines or difficult situations, it is advisable to read up briefly before departure about the biggest differences in foreign traffic.

Riding in the mountains
As soon as you cross the Indian border, the landscape quickly changes. Hills provide an adjustment in your driving style. Where in India it is best to drive in fifth gear at 80 kilometers per hour, you do not do any good in a hilly landscape. You have to tour in the mountains. If you hit the gas, the car should still be able to accelerate. If this is not possible, switch back. Otherwise the engine will be overloaded and can overheat - especially if the car is at, on or over the maximum loading weight. For driving downhill, a low gear is the best choice. When you take your foot off the gas, the car has to slow down on its own. Continuously pressing the brakes is not necessary and this prevents damage to the braking system.

Get more workshop management software


Know what car insurance covers
You can prepare so well… anyone can have a car breakdown or an accident. Therefore, before you leave, find out what the car insurance covers in case you drive damage abroad. Also check whether you are insured for roadside assistance and how to act in a breakdown situation. That is great if you get stuck along the road with a breakdown. You can find out in which countries your car insurance provides cover on the green card. Abroad, that card is proof that your car is insured. The green card usually contains the contact details of the party that you must call in case of damage or breakdown. Keep in mind that not every car damage abroad is covered. Do you want to take out a different car insurance policy before departure? Then you can compare car insurance policies at Pricewise to find the best cover at the lowest premium. Are you traveling with a caravan? Then remember that you have to take out caravan insurance for this.

Breakdown situations
You have your car properly checked, everything neatly packed and you go with car insurance of which you know what it covers. Unfortunately, this does not mean that you are fully protected against car trouble while on holiday. Know what can happen to you. What are common breakdown situations on the road? An empty battery, the car not starting, broken lamps and a flat tire. It also happens more than once that people leave their car keys in the ignition and lock the car. Break open the car? No, just make sure you bring a spare key - and don't leave it in the car. Furthermore, problems with the brakes occur, refueling with the wrong fueland problems with the fluids. Of course there are also the more extreme variants; the collisions. Inevitably, with so many people (driving long stretches) on the road.

Roadside assistance needed
You have a breakdown on the road… what do you do? Be the first to turn on your hazard lights. Then make sure you stand in a safe place. Drive or move your car to the emergency lane or side of the road, and place a safety triangle behind the car so that other drivers see you. If you need roadside assistance, call your roadside assistance provider. He will then ensure that help is sent. You can take out breakdown assistance insurance in five different ways: via the car insurance company (this is not possible with all insurers), via the importer or the car company, via a breakdown service, via the travel insurance (in that case you are only insured for breakdown assistance in abroad and not in the India) or you opt for roadside assistance on demand. Use automotive repair management software to take care of your car.

Roadside assistance on demand works via an app and you only pay if you need roadside assistance. You can also choose to resolve the breakdown with a local party. However, you are a lot more expensive without roadside assistance insurance. And one more important thing; make sure you don't accidentally take out double insurance  for roadside assistance. This can happen if you do not know (anymore) that you already have additional insurance through your car insurance.

Replacement vehicle
Do you need a different car because of the damage? Then, depending on the car insurance you have taken out, you can get replacement transport reimbursed from the insurance. A liability insurance pays anything here, but you have a comprehensive insurance or limited-hull insura g, it may be that the cost of the replacement vehicle will be reimbursed. Check this with the car insurance company. Do you only have third party insurance, but have taken out travel insurance? Check whether the replacement transport is (partly) reimbursed.

Avoid black Saturdays
Black Saturday . Certainly not a party, those endless traffic jams to your holiday destination. Where this term was previously only used for the busiest Saturdays in France, it is now used as a name for the Saturdays with the worst traffic in Europe. If you are going to drive, try to take this into account. Know that days from Thursday to Sunday are especially busy. Except in Germany; Thursday and Sunday are the best days to be on the road. The dates for Black Saturdays vary by country. Because although the crowds are mainly caused by the many holidaymakers, there are also a number of holidays abroad that cause you to be delayed.

So, are you going on a summer vacation by car? Just check beforehand when the black Saturdays or other busiest traffic days are in the countries you will be driving through. Try to avoid these days. That can save you some travel hours. The busiest days on the French motorways are likely to be 3 and 10 August this year.

Provide entertainment in the car
And then another very important thing: the longer the ride, the greater the chance that you will get tired of sitting and driving. Try to keep it fun for as long as possible. How? Make sure you have some food and drink on the go so no one can get cranky from hunger or thirst. Of course you can, and should, stop at a gas station or roadside restaurant along the way, but having something to hand certainly won't hurt. Also provide the necessary music or choose the radio; this often gives you something to talk about or think about, as the DJs often come up with fun facts. And fortunately nowadays we have our tablets and smartphones, with which we could enjoy ourselves for hours. Download a movie, games or an e-book in advance. Or bring a real book. And of course you can also opt for the old-fashioned games, such as 'I see I see what you don't see', counting the number of cars in a specific color or naming car brands. Also quite a bit of fun for adults. And also think of the driver. Stop often enough to refuel it, entertain this one, but ... don't distract too much!

Do you know any great tips for fun in the car? And would you like to share your experiences on the way to the car holiday? We would love to read it in the comments you can leave below!

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Useful tips to replace your car bulbs

With some cars you can change your lamps yourself. Not with others. In both cases, we will tell you what to do.

Purchasing tips

  • Bulbs or bulb sets are available at auto dealerships, gas stations or the auto parts stores.
  • There are standard sizes for headlights, such as H1, H4 and H7. View your car's instruction booklet for your lamps.

This is how you change a light

  • Look in the instruction booklet where exactly the bulb to be replaced is located.
  • Change the light when your car has been standing still for a while: car lights become scalding hot when they are on.
  • Get auto shop software
  • Always hold a halogen lamp by the base. Oily fingers can burn in and then leave a black deposit on the glass. The lamp therefore gives less light. Moreover, this shortens the lifespan. Use a cloth in case you can only mount a lamp when you hold it by the glass.
  • A headlight bulb can only be mounted in one way.
  • If the lighting does not work even after replacing the bulb, switch off the lighting and lock the car. Then open the car again and switch on the lights: some cars no longer control broken lamps by themselves. By resetting the system, the car detects the replaced one.
  • If the lamp still does not work, consult your instruction booklet for the fuse that supplies the power supply for the lamp in question. Check that fuse and replace it if necessary.

Sometimes you cannot replace a bulb yourself

  • With many modern cars you cannot reach the lights without first dismantling all kinds of parts. In that case it is advisable to have the garage replace the lamp. The ANWB, through the umbrella car club organization FIA, has advocated European regulations on this subject. Since 2009, car manufacturers have had to design their models in such a way that people are able to replace their car lamps themselves. Check out garage invoice software
  • Is your car equipped with xenon lamps? Do not come to it yourself, but have the repair carried out by the garage. 

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Winter and driving: take good care of your safety

Visiting relatives with the children or to a museum with the family: in winter you want to be on the road safely with children in the back. Last week I read an article on Independer with useful tips for winter and driving. That's why I decided to write a blog about it as well. Here are the tips to read carefully before you leave.

Code red? Stay at home or prepare well

If the weather is very bad, Govt. will warn you with code yellow, orange or red. Does code red apply in your area? Then there is a good chance that the gpvt. advises against driving by car. Then check whether you can postpone the day at Efteling or the Christmas market one day. In such a case, it is wise to follow the advice of govt.

Winter and driving, on the road right?

Do you still have to go out with the children if you have a warning code? Then go well prepared. Make sure you have a good view by scratching your windows. Adapt your driving style to other road users and pay extra attention. Do you have a view of less than 50 meters? Then turn on your fog light. Winter and driving should never be underestimated. Check out automotive workshop management software

Prepare and insure well

Well prepared, but still damaged? That is of course very annoying. If your insurer determines that you did not show a reckless goodbye, such as speeding too much on an icy road, your insurer will simply pay for the damage. With a limited or all-risk insurance you are insured for damage to your own car and to someone else. Only third-party insurance? Then you will be compensated for the damage you cause to someone else with your car.

Winter tires: mandatory or not?

Winter tires are not mandatory in the India, which means that your car insurance is also valid if you drive without winter tires. The goverment does encourage the use of winter tires, because it is a lot safer in winter conditions. On winter sports to, for example, Italy, Austria or Germany? Check the rules regarding winter tires and snow chains per holiday country. Do you have damage in a country where winter tires are mandatory? In that case, you may be (partially) held liable, and your damage may not be (fully) compensated.

Damage from storm or hailstorm

Do you have to deal with a heavy storm or hailstorm and are you damaged? You are insured for this with a limited hull and all-risk insurance. Damage due to hail or storm has no consequences for your car insurance premium or your claim-free years. You may pay a deductible for the repair of the damage. Check your car insurance policy to see whether you have to pay for part of the damage yourself and how high the deductible is. Get garage invoice software for your garage.

Do you have a third-party car insurance? Then you are not insured for damage to your own car. The costs of the car damage are then for your account. You will be reimbursed for the damage you cause to someone else with your car.

Have an asterisk in your window repaired

An asterisk can tear through in freezing cold. Window damage is insured with a limited hull and all-risk car insurance. You will be reimbursed for the costs by your car insurer. Is the asterisk torn too far to restore it? Then a new car window must be used. A deductible often applies to these costs. It is therefore smart to have the asterisk repaired before winter really arrives.

Do you have other damage from the winter weather? Then you are only insured for this with an all-risk insurance. Think of colliding and skidding or if you end up in a ditch after a slide. Claiming such damage is at the expense of your claim-free years. That is why in such a situation it is sometimes smarter to pay for the car damage yourself if you can.

Does one of your neighbor's children throw a frozen snowball against the car? And does this cause damage? If you claim this damage and have a limited hull or all-risk car insurance, your car insurer will try to recover the damage from the perpetrator. Do you have legal expenses insurance? This can also offer a solution in such a situation.

Winter and driving has never been easier. Do you have any useful tips yourself? Then leave your comment below this message!

What is the correct tire pressure for my car?

What people often forget when they drive is that the tires are the only contact with the road surface they are driving on. Car tires must therefore be properly maintained. In addition to a good profile, the tire pressure is also extremely important to be able to drive safely. But what is the correct tire pressure for your car? You can read more about it in this blog.

Too high or too low tire pressure

A car tire performs best when it provides sufficient load-bearing capacity and stability and the correct tire pressure is required for this. When a tire is inflated too hard or too soft, this has consequences for both your safety and the wear on a tire. In addition, too low tire pressure also leads to higher fuel consumption. The main consequences of too high or low tire pressure are:

  • Reduced road grip, resulting in longer braking distances
  • Deteriorated road holding
  • Incorrect wear on the tires
  • Increased chance of a blowout
  • Increasing fuel consumption
  • auto repair shop management system

For a safe and comfortable ride, we recommend checking your tire pressure monthly.

What is the correct tire pressure for my car?

The exact tire pressure differs per type of car. It is best to consult your car's manual to find out what the correct tire pressure is for your car. If you do not have the instruction booklet at hand, you can often find it on a sticker The instruction booklet also shows how many bars there should be in a car tire when your car is heavily loaded, The tire pressure is indicated in the bar and generally varies between 2.0 and 3.0 bar. for example when you go on holiday.


Do you still find it difficult to find out what the correct tire pressure is for your car? Then drop by one of our assembly points near you. They are happy to help you on your way safely!


How do I check my tire pressure?

Each tire continuously releases a little bit of air. It is therefore important to check the tire pressure regularly, preferably monthly. In addition, it is wise to check the tire pressure extra when you make a long journey (for example on vacation) by car. You can check your tire pressure yourself in 5 simple steps at almost any petrol station or use a smart tire pump. Get more garage management system

  1. Consult the owner's manual (or sticker in the door frame) for the correct tire pressure
  2. Set the tire inflator to the correct tire pressure
  3. Unscrew the valve cap
  4. Connect the tire inflator to the valve
  5. Tighten the valve cap again

Pay attention! And don't forget to check the tire pressure of the spare tire regularly. When the tires are cold. This means that you have not driven more than 5 kilometers with the tires.


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GaragePlug - the affordable & user-friendly garage invoice software

for use in

 - bodywork and repair shops

 - independent and brand garages

 - new and second-hand sale and export of cars

 - tuners - tuning garages

 - air conditioning and LPG installers

 - tire centers

 - any company that comes into contact with CarPass



Create car chips for one or more cars per customer? The possibilities of the multifunctional garage invoice software are unlimited. Think of customer files, product files, repair history, incoming and outgoing invoicing, fully automatic CarPass transfer, garage book for garages, work files, work orders and various lists ... with GaragePlug your administration and invoicing will run smoothly.


GaragePlug: from basic functions to total solution

Ideal for any starting garage thanks to its basic functions and attractive price. And with optional modules quickly expandable to a total solution for garages with several mechanics. Because through the intensive use of parameters, the program is fully adjustable to suit your company.

Prefer to rent software? Be sure to ask about our renting services: renting is also possible. The renting price depends on the number of options and users. Very interesting for starters!

Get more garage management software


GaragePlug: BASIC

The GaragePlug basic version contains the following functionalities:

• Incoming invoices, documents, credit notes

• Outgoing invoices, credit notes with standard layout

• Customer

files • Vehicle files with repair


• Work files with history • Product files

• Concepts

• List outgoing invoices not paid (outgoing work invoice layout + outgoing sales of the car layout)

• List of incoming invoices not paid

• Various basic tables (eg postcodes and municipalities, title, periods, standard texts, Recytyre, ...)