What is the correct tire pressure for my car?

What people often forget when they drive is that the tires are the only contact with the road surface they are driving on. Car tires must therefore be properly maintained. In addition to a good profile, the tire pressure is also extremely important to be able to drive safely. But what is the correct tire pressure for your car? You can read more about it in this blog.

Too high or too low tire pressure

A car tire performs best when it provides sufficient load-bearing capacity and stability and the correct tire pressure is required for this. When a tire is inflated too hard or too soft, this has consequences for both your safety and the wear on a tire. In addition, too low tire pressure also leads to higher fuel consumption. The main consequences of too high or low tire pressure are:

  • Reduced road grip, resulting in longer braking distances
  • Deteriorated road holding
  • Incorrect wear on the tires
  • Increased chance of a blowout
  • Increasing fuel consumption
  • auto repair shop management system

For a safe and comfortable ride, we recommend checking your tire pressure monthly.

What is the correct tire pressure for my car?

The exact tire pressure differs per type of car. It is best to consult your car's manual to find out what the correct tire pressure is for your car. If you do not have the instruction booklet at hand, you can often find it on a sticker The instruction booklet also shows how many bars there should be in a car tire when your car is heavily loaded, The tire pressure is indicated in the bar and generally varies between 2.0 and 3.0 bar. for example when you go on holiday.


Do you still find it difficult to find out what the correct tire pressure is for your car? Then drop by one of our assembly points near you. They are happy to help you on your way safely!


How do I check my tire pressure?

Each tire continuously releases a little bit of air. It is therefore important to check the tire pressure regularly, preferably monthly. In addition, it is wise to check the tire pressure extra when you make a long journey (for example on vacation) by car. You can check your tire pressure yourself in 5 simple steps at almost any petrol station or use a smart tire pump. Get more garage management system

  1. Consult the owner's manual (or sticker in the door frame) for the correct tire pressure
  2. Set the tire inflator to the correct tire pressure
  3. Unscrew the valve cap
  4. Connect the tire inflator to the valve
  5. Tighten the valve cap again

Pay attention! And don't forget to check the tire pressure of the spare tire regularly. When the tires are cold. This means that you have not driven more than 5 kilometers with the tires.


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