How to Increase Your Automobile Workshop Profit Margins

Just because several automobiles are lined up at your auto workshop for availing the service does not indicate that your automobile fixing and maintenance organization is making revenues. To raise your earnings margins, you need to do a gr…

Where can you go for a gearbox overhaul?

The gearbox is an important part of your car. When the gearbox starts to fail, it is time to go to the garage for a gearbox overhaul. You will never have to drive around for too long with a gearbox that needs repair. Both the automatic gea…

Driving holiday tips: be prepared for holiday by car part 2

Rules, fines and obligationsSometimes different traffic rules apply abroad than those we know in India. For example, did you know that as a glasses-wearing driver in Spain, you should always have spare glasses with you? And the amounts for…

Useful tips to replace your car bulbs

With some cars you can change your lamps yourself. Not with others. In both cases, we will tell you what to do. Purchasing tips Bulbs or bulb sets are available at auto dealerships, gas stations or the auto parts stores. There are standard…

Winter and driving: take good care of your safety

Visiting relatives with the children or to a museum with the family: in winter you want to be on the road safely with children in the back. Last week I read an article on Independer with useful tips for winter and driving. That's why I dec…

What is the correct tire pressure for my car?

What people often forget when they drive is that the tires are the only contact with the road surface they are driving on. Car tires must therefore be properly maintained. In addition to a good profile, the tire pressure is also extremely …

GaragePlug - the affordable & user-friendly garage invoice software

for use in - bodywork and repair shops - independent and brand garages - new and second-hand sale and export of cars - tuners - tuning garages - air conditioning and LPG installers - tire centers - any company that comes into contact with …