Winter and driving: take good care of your safety

Visiting relatives with the children or to a museum with the family: in winter you want to be on the road safely with children in the back. Last week I read an article on Independer with useful tips for winter and driving. That's why I decided to write a blog about it as well. Here are the tips to read carefully before you leave.

Code red? Stay at home or prepare well

If the weather is very bad, Govt. will warn you with code yellow, orange or red. Does code red apply in your area? Then there is a good chance that the gpvt. advises against driving by car. Then check whether you can postpone the day at Efteling or the Christmas market one day. In such a case, it is wise to follow the advice of govt.

Winter and driving, on the road right?

Do you still have to go out with the children if you have a warning code? Then go well prepared. Make sure you have a good view by scratching your windows. Adapt your driving style to other road users and pay extra attention. Do you have a view of less than 50 meters? Then turn on your fog light. Winter and driving should never be underestimated. Check out automotive workshop management software

Prepare and insure well

Well prepared, but still damaged? That is of course very annoying. If your insurer determines that you did not show a reckless goodbye, such as speeding too much on an icy road, your insurer will simply pay for the damage. With a limited or all-risk insurance you are insured for damage to your own car and to someone else. Only third-party insurance? Then you will be compensated for the damage you cause to someone else with your car.

Winter tires: mandatory or not?

Winter tires are not mandatory in the India, which means that your car insurance is also valid if you drive without winter tires. The goverment does encourage the use of winter tires, because it is a lot safer in winter conditions. On winter sports to, for example, Italy, Austria or Germany? Check the rules regarding winter tires and snow chains per holiday country. Do you have damage in a country where winter tires are mandatory? In that case, you may be (partially) held liable, and your damage may not be (fully) compensated.

Damage from storm or hailstorm

Do you have to deal with a heavy storm or hailstorm and are you damaged? You are insured for this with a limited hull and all-risk insurance. Damage due to hail or storm has no consequences for your car insurance premium or your claim-free years. You may pay a deductible for the repair of the damage. Check your car insurance policy to see whether you have to pay for part of the damage yourself and how high the deductible is. Get garage invoice software for your garage.

Do you have a third-party car insurance? Then you are not insured for damage to your own car. The costs of the car damage are then for your account. You will be reimbursed for the damage you cause to someone else with your car.

Have an asterisk in your window repaired

An asterisk can tear through in freezing cold. Window damage is insured with a limited hull and all-risk car insurance. You will be reimbursed for the costs by your car insurer. Is the asterisk torn too far to restore it? Then a new car window must be used. A deductible often applies to these costs. It is therefore smart to have the asterisk repaired before winter really arrives.

Do you have other damage from the winter weather? Then you are only insured for this with an all-risk insurance. Think of colliding and skidding or if you end up in a ditch after a slide. Claiming such damage is at the expense of your claim-free years. That is why in such a situation it is sometimes smarter to pay for the car damage yourself if you can.

Does one of your neighbor's children throw a frozen snowball against the car? And does this cause damage? If you claim this damage and have a limited hull or all-risk car insurance, your car insurer will try to recover the damage from the perpetrator. Do you have legal expenses insurance? This can also offer a solution in such a situation.

Winter and driving has never been easier. Do you have any useful tips yourself? Then leave your comment below this message!